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3 Ways to Avoid Injuries During the Holidays

3 Ways to Avoid Injuries During the Holidays

For many, putting up a Christmas tree and decorating for the holidays is tradition. Whether you retrieve an artificial tree from the attic, venture out for the real deal, or are hanging decorations around the house, there are a few safety tips to keep in mind.  Let’s avoid major falls, trips and slips as we decorate!

Learn Ways to Avoid Injuries During the Holidays

1) Taking boxes down from the attic.  We know that boxes of all shapes and sizes hold the holiday decorations that are stored away for most the year.  Sometimes getting them down from the attic can be a tricky process.  Let’s make sure we are safe this year and use the buddy system.  Make sure you have a partner who can help in directing your footing and in taking some of the weight off of your shoulders.  Remember to bend with those legs and not compromise your back!
2) Putting up lights.  Hoping to bring some extra holiday cheer this year to all who drive by?  Some of those lights can be quite tricky to get up at high places and they put your body in awkward postures.  Make sure as you climb the ladder or step stool you have a buddy that is securing the bottom.  Also, try your best to place your projects in arms reach.
3) Santa Duty.  Spreading some extra holiday cheer can sometimes require lifting and hauling of gifts and boxes which can lead to stiffness and back pain. When lifting, bend your knees, and pull your belly button in to activate your core muscles stabilizing your spine and avoid injury. 
We hope these tips and tricks help you stay upright and in good spirits this holiday season.  Be sure to remember to treat yourself and most importantly thank your body for its hard work by giving our chiropractors a call in Beaverton, Oregon at (503) 439- 9494 and getting your next adjustment on the books.  Happy Holidays!

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