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Applied Kinesiology

Applied Kinesiology

What Applied Kinesiology (AK) Can Do For You?


Viewing the body’s good health as a balanced triad, this integrative system considers the three components of physical, chemical, and mental/emotional to evaluate and address your health. When a person experiences poor health, it is often due to an imbalance in one or more of these three factors.

George Goodheart, DC, introduced this approach in 1964, and his students refined it over the next 50-plus years. By drawing on the strengths of various methods, including acupuncture, chiropractic, and naturopathy, Dr. Gard can gain a deeper understanding of your body and its needs while avoiding the trap of symptom-chasing and instead actually addressing the underlying cause.

Approach to Applied Kinesiology:

Dr. Gard finds a muscle that tests weak and attempts to determine why that muscle is not functioning properly. Next, he will evaluate and apply a specifically selected therapy that will best eliminate the muscle weakness and help you regain control! In some cases, Dr. Gard may test for environmental or food sensitivities by using a previously strong muscle to find what weakens it.

Applied Kinesiology Therapies May Include:

  • Specific Joint Manipulation and/or Mobilization
  • Myofascial Release and/or Active Release Techniques® (ART)
  • Meridian Therapy
  • Cranial Techniques
  • Clinical Nutrition
  • Homeopathy
  • Herbal Remedies

Want to learn more about these specific therapies? Call to schedule an evaluation and consultation with Dr. Gard.

Learn more. Call today.


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(503) 439-9494
(503) 645-4404
15220 NW Greenbrier Parkway, Suite 260,
Beaverton, OR. 97006

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Ready to participate more fully in life? Resolve long-standing discomfort and regain your physical freedom. Scheduling is most effectively done through the phone or email during business hours. Every effort will be made to return your contact as soon as possible.

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