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Tag Archives: chiropractor

Chiropractic Tips for Camping

Chiropractic Tips for Camping

It’s official National Camping Month is here!! It’s about that time of year where we start to plan our annual camping trips with friends and family. Time to break out the old gear and kick back for some star gazing. We put together a few handy tips to keep in mind as you prepare for… Continue Reading

Chiropractor Tips for Spring Cleaning

Chiropractor Tips for Spring Cleaning

It’s time to clean those baseboards, vacuum those vents and dust the house from top to bottom. Spring cleaning is amongst us!! We want to share some reminders on how to protect your body as you go about your cleaning rituals. Tips for Spring Cleaning from a Chiropractor 1. Remember proper lifting/ pushing techniques. As… Continue Reading

Chiropractic Year Round

Chiropractic Year Round

Have you ever heard someone say: “If you go to a chiropractor you HAVE to keep going FOR LIFE!” ?? This just isn’t the case. After the issue you come in with has been resolved, you may choose to come in preventatively to check your spinal alignment and avoid future problems. You don’t HAVE to… Continue Reading

Sleep and Chiropractic Care

Sleep and Chiropractic Care

We all know that after a good night of sleep we feel like we can conquer the world.  But what about after a night of not so good sleep?  What if that not so good sleep persists over a long period of time?  Not only do you feel the immediate side effects of fatigue, irritability… Continue Reading

World Spine Day

World Spine Day

World Spine Day occurs each year on October 16th and is celebrated on every continent. It highlights the burden of spinal pain and disability around the world. This day promotes physical activity, good posture and responsible lifting. It puts an emphasis on paying close attention to your spine’s health. About one billion people worldwide suffer… Continue Reading

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