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Chiropractic Tips for Camping

Chiropractic Tips for Camping

It’s official National Camping Month is here!! It’s about that time of year where we start to plan our annual camping trips with friends and family. Time to break out the old gear and kick back for some star gazing. We put together a few handy tips to keep in mind as you prepare for your camping trip this year.

Tip #1: Make sure your GEAR is up for the adventure. If you haven’t gone camping in a while then it’s a good idea to make sure everything still works before you leave. Checking there are no big holes in your tent and the flashlights have batteries! Also, bringing along an inflatable mattress could help keep your back happy.

Tip #2: Comfortable SHOES are a camping must have. Make sure your shoes are up for the level of activity you have planned. Good shoes can reduce pain in the feet, hips and back.

Tip #3: Getting a good BACKPACK can help you walk those extra miles pain free. When deciding which backpack is coming along for the ride consider if it has padded and adjustable straps, a waist belt and an internal frame. A good backpack can save you from muscle strain and avoidable injuries.

Tip #4: Don’t forget to keep your POSTURE in mind as you lift things in and out of the car and build your campsite. Keeping a good posture and engaging your core is always important and your spine will thank you later.

We can’t wait to hear about all your camping adventures this summer! Be sure to visit your local Beaverton chiropractor before you take off to make sure you are ready for the next adventure.

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