It’s time to clean those baseboards, vacuum those vents and dust the house from top to bottom. Spring cleaning is amongst us!! We want to share some reminders on how to protect your body as you go about your cleaning rituals.
Tips for Spring Cleaning from a Chiropractor
1. Remember proper lifting/ pushing techniques. As you’re trying to move the sofa from where it sits most of the year, remember to keep a straight back, bend in the knees and engage that core. Save your back by avoiding dragging it across the room and pushing with a hunchback.
2. Take breaks!! While there is a lot to get done small breaks every hour will save you physical pain in the long run. During these breaks you can stretch to get out any kinks along with drinking plenty of water to keep hydrated.
3. Enroll family and friends to help. While we know exactly how we like things done, enrolling some help from friends and family is never a bad thing. Ask them to help you move that heavy box that’s been sitting in the garage half the year. A lending hand can save you agany down the road.
The best advice we can offer is to consider routine chiropractic care. Getting consistent care can help keep you feeling ready to tackle your next project. Give a call at (503) 439- 9494 and get scheduled with either Dr. Gard or Dr. Simons to talk more about how chiropractic in Beaverton, Oregon will benefit you.
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