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Gyrotonic Therapy

GYROTONIC® is a non-medical piece of equipment used for rehabilitation purposes.  The patient is treated more holistically, in that the healing capacity of the entire body is increased and can thus function more optimally. By using an approach that is all-inclusive, the patient, with the aid of the GYROTONIC Trainer, can begin to treat the ailing part or parts that now have the support of the whole body, as opposed to using an approach that addresses the part only.  Conditions GYROTONIC® exercises helps to alleviate are:

  • Knee/Hip arthritis and pain
  • Spinal problems
  • Foot/hand injuries
  • Shoulder/rotator cuff injuries
  • Neck/back pain
  • Meniscus repairs
  • Fibromyalgia

An innovative approach to whole body fitness, spinal health/flexibility, and core strengthening developed by Hungarian-born Juliu Horvath. Drawing from his background in dance, swimming, yoga, and eastern medicine, Juliu Horvath created circular and spiraling movement patterns that stretch and strengthen while stimulating every major system of the body. These organic movement exercises are now being taught around the world by certified instructors on a unique apparatus called the GYROTONIC® Expansion System®. This machine consists of a complex system of handles and weighted pulleys and is fully adjustable to meet each individuals needs. GYROTONIC® is used for both performance enhancement and rehabilitation. Like Pilates, GYROTONIC® strengthens the core of the body, this in addition to the fluid flexibility and coordination gains helps prevent injuries and increase joint health and stability. Whether suffering from back pain, rotator cuff injuries or arthritis, when supervised by a therapist, GYROTONIC® can alleviate your pain and allow you to return to a fuller life. Individual sessions are scheduled to meet the specific needs of each person.

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